"They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill,"
... prompting accusations that the Post was peddling a longstanding racist slur by portraying president Barack Obama, who signed the bill into law yesterday, as an ape.
Since when is SIGNING equal to WRITING? While I seldom seek out political cartoons on a daily basis, I feel that the racist accusations are beyond bovine excrement! The left, along with those American Blacks who have their own agendas are making another divisive and disruptive attempt to DIVIDE our Nation.
Was the cartoonist alluding to the old saw that if you lock 1000 monkeys in a room with typewriters they'll eventually pound out "Hamlet"? I believe this was the intent. What are the differences between chimpanzees, apes and monkeys ... anyway? What does this have to do with President Obama?
Obamarama ... the beat goes on!