, <b>The Fools Among Us: Disabled Veterans Jeered At Swimming Pool</b>

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Disabled Veterans Jeered At Swimming Pool

Injured soldiers who lost their limbs fighting for their country have been driven from a swimming pool training session by jeering members of the public.

The men, injured during tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, were taking part in a rehabilitation session at a leisure centre, when two women demanded they be removed from the pool. They claimed that the soldiers "hadn't paid" and might scare the children.


The foulness of this act is beyond belief! I just hope that these "individuals" find the backbone to realize their error in these actions. Typing that I wish the very worst of life, along with expletives and judgements to be offered these maggots would not solve this disgusting situation. Name and Shame is the best suggestion I can support!!!

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