, <b>The Fools Among Us: December 2007</b>

Monday, December 24, 2007

Ron Paul: The 'Thinking Man's' Idiot?

'Six hundred thousand Americans died in a senseless civil war…. [President Abraham Lincoln] did this just to enhance and get rid of the original intent of the republic,' ...


This LOON makes Dennis Kucinich's campaign seem rational! While metaphysical debate may appeal to Ron Paul , it does very little in the realm of "real politics."

Tinfoil, anyone?

WI: A Police Poser?

The U.S. deported a man to Mexico on Sunday who had taken a dead cousin's identity to pose as a citizen in order to become a Milwaukee police officer.

'I enjoyed my time here and I have no regrets,' he said.

He said being a police officer was his dream job.

'I love this country,' he said Saturday. 'I love everything it has to offer.'


Friday, December 21, 2007

Earmark Du Jour

City College of New York in New York, NY for planning, design, construction, renovation and buildout of a multipurpose educational facility $250,000

Rep. Rangel

Another namesake project included in the bill is the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at the City College of New York.

The gall of this pathetic individual to "earmark" federal money for his own "memorial" shows the insanity of his ilk. Who is worst ... Democrats or Republicans?


The Democrats, no different than their Republican counterpart, eat out of the hands of corrupt lobbyists and feed at the same corporate trough, ...


McKinney moving from Georgia to Marin County, California and attending UC-Berkeley gives little solace to this voter! She may be very correct about certain high profile politicians who seem to have their own personal interests heading their priorities, Nation be damned.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Turmoil Within The Tipis?

We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us, ...


Russell Means

Well, blog about a volatile issue? I find this interesting in a revisionist sort of way ... Research It!

I was under the impression that the terms "American Indian" or "Indian" were politically incorrect? It seems it depends upon from whose mouth they are uttered.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Earmark Du Jour

La Raza HOPE Fund for capitalization of a revolving loan fund to be used for nationwide community development activities $1,000,000

Rep. Olver, Rep. Walsh: Rep. Gutierrez,
Sen. Dodd, Sen. Martinez, Sen.
Lieberman, Sen.. Obama, Sen.
Landrieu, Sen. Kerry, Sen: Bingamen,
Sen. Casey, Sen. Menendez, Sen.
Brown, Sen. Clinton, Sen. Boxer, Sen.


The mission of RDF’s Hope Fund is to provide flexible but high-quality loans, along with technical assistance, to entities that provide services and opportunities to low-income Latino families, a mission that is consistent with and complementary to the mission of NCLR.


Hmmm ... La Raza, isn't that one of the leading BROWN POWER organizations whose rhetoric borders on racist dogma? Research it!

Earmark Du Jour

APHIS Chronic Wasting Disease surveillance, WI Kohi, Obey 1,299,000

In most states, game farms are regulated by agriculture departments, though that wasn't always the case. In Wisconsin, for example, the Department of Natural Resources oversaw game farms until the mid-1990s, when the state legislature and then-Governor Tommy Thompson shifted responsibility to the Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection, a move the game farmers applauded.

Rowledge says these regulatory shifts across the United States weren't accidental. In the 1970s, more and more potential game farmers wanted to set up operations so they could sell elk velvet (the soft material that peels off newly formed antlers, which is marketed as a nutritional supplement and aphrodisiac), host "canned" hunts where animals are shot inside these farms, and market elk meat.


It has been stated among those with whom I associate that Governor Tommy Thompson allowed elk from Western States to be introduced into Wisconsin to appease his cronies.

Hmmm ... Now everyone pays?

Earmarks Database - pdf

Earmarks Database created by Senate Republicans

Whether one labels this WASTE of United States Taxpayer monies "Earmarks" or the more traditional "PORK," I personally believe that this along with the activities of "LOBBYISTS" are the prime factors in so-called government waste within the United States.

Come on!

Knocked Up

Singer Britney Spears' actress sister, Jamie Lynn, has told a US magazine she is pregnant at the age of 16.

Putting the WHITE in white trash, this member of a sub-culture that seems to give the tabloids their fodder is one more example of what is WRONG with the current youth culture. I shudder to even place this drivel on my blog.

Sperm + egg = It's a no-brainer ... but that's repeating the article ...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Mike Huckabee: Say What?

The Bush administration's arrogant bunker mentality has been counterproductive at home and abroad. American foreign policy needs to change its tone and attitude, open up, and reach out. In particular, it should focus on eliminating Islamist terrorists, stabilizing Iraq, containing Iran, and toughening its stance with Pakistan.


Having thought about his statements over the week-end, I find myself believing that Mike Huckabee has "JUMPED THE SHARK." He does "sound" like a Democrat and has a collection of baggage that now seems too much to take him any further. Personal feelings aside, when the media dynamically filters any valid points from "Huck's" belief system(s), his credibility will suffer the final blow. Any money he now wastes will be spent digging out from under the fallout.

When Will Clinton 'Jump The Shark?'

For The Girls: Pee On Technology?

While it seems this particular advertisement is found in at least two different formats depending upon the cable/satellite channel and/or "good taste," is there any wonder why certain words become more and more acceptable as we journey into the 21st century?

A man's voice directed to the females in the audience seems so ... and the preadolescents nudge each other and whisper ... he said "pee!"

Friday, December 14, 2007

Got Wood?

We've come a long way in afternoon television advertising ... just in time for children coming home from school, 40-something men gathering to sing the praises of a penis enhancement drug whose downside is BLURRED VISION and/or a FOUR HOUR ERECTION?

It gives further credence to the fear of young boys and men of eyesight problems getting out of hand.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Major League Baseball: More Than An Adrenaline Rush!


Current or former major league players linked to possession, use or reception of performance-enhancing drugs in George Mitchell's report on steroid use in baseball:


I'll just echo the concerns of many in stating that these individuals do effect the youth of our nation by choosing a poor course of training regimen. I seriously doubt many thought about those consequences.

As for any of these individuals being enshrined in Cooperstown, if I had a vote ... it would be NO. Any and all achievements must now be labeled ... suspect! Thanks men! ... and I use the term loosely.

'Inconvenient' Al Gore: Trashing U.S. ... Blaming Bush?

My own country the United States is principally responsible for obstructing progress in Bali, ...


Besides the carbon footprint that "stomped" all over the Earth by the commercial, governmental, and private jetliners that ferried the attendees to this Bali junket, Russia and China seem to have not been on board for Gore's priorities, either? I believe Mr. Gore blamed President Bush in his histrionics ... So what else is new?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Radical Islam Wants You Dead

Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Patricia Telles-Irvin sent an e-mail to every UF student November 26 that explained the university’s disapproval of the advertisements and asked for an apology and clarification.


No FREE SPEECH for students at the University of Florida?

This proponent of acculturation and diversity seems to find the TRUTH not protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution! Another knee-jerk liberal in academia or ... just a JERK?

Ex-Spook: Confession Is Good?

A former CIA officer who participated in the capture and questioning of the first al-Qaeda terrorist suspect to be waterboarded said yesterday that the harsh technique provided an intelligence breakthrough that 'probably saved lives,' but that he now regards the tactic as torture.


Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.

While claiming "Americans are better than that;" Mr. John Kiriakou, a "former CIA officer" seems to feel that public confession is good for some reason known only to him? I would like to know why he is a "former CIA officer," for one! Secondly, why is his opinion regarding what "is" torture matter?

Does this individual have a "book deal" in the offing? Is his "confession" politically motivated?"

I find his candor during a time of war, specious at best; predictable to say the least.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Obama: The Bizarro John Kerry?

Some even speculated that it was an intentional gesture of dissent on the candidate's part, to which an Obama spokesperson replied on Inside Edition, 'Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't [put his hand on his heart]. In no way was he making any sort of statement, and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous.'


Spam aside, does Obama protecting his genitals while listening to the National Anthem make some other statement as to his mettle? Is the name, "Obama" president-worthy?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Traitor John Kerry: Why Is He Still Elected To Retain Office?

It is now well known that Sen. Kerry's claims in 1971, when subject to investigation, were found to be false and fraudulent. In the end, no substantive charges ever emerged from Sen. Kerry's claims and his Winter Soldier conference.

John Kerry is the perfect symbol of the Vietnam fraud perpetrated by the American left.


The State of Massachusetts is continually doing the United States a disservice by re-electing this TRAITOR! Why? What has he managed to accomplish during his time of office?

Massachusetts' trash can only be resolved by Massachusetts. The other 49 States can't even supply the truck!

Code Pink: Douche Bag Deported!

Pakistan authorities today ordered the deportation of the leader of the feminist U.S. antiwar group Code Pink, who was in Lahore to join protests against the emergency rule imposed by President Pervez Musharraf, according to a spokeswoman for the group.


They are who we thought they were ... Far Left finds NO LOVE in the Far East? Was she waterboarded, or did she just "pee" her panties ... provided that she wears them?

EnvironMENTAL: Green Hanukkia?

As reported this week by the Jerusalem Post, a group of Israeli environmental extremists calling themselves the 'Green Hanukkia' campaign is sanctimoniously instructing Jews across the world to light one fewer candle in their Hanukkah menorahs this year in order to slow global warming.


Holy kangaroo farts ... Is there nothing that environMENTALists won't suggest?

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Wisconsin: Do Unto Others ... Steal Their Gas?

Local police saw the horde at the station and called store manager Andrea Reuland.She went to the station and pushed the emergency stop.


Being that the station was closed, allowing access to the gasoline pumps with credit/debit cards, these morons elected to take advantage of a neighbor and instead of notifying authorities; notified their friends and family? Hopefully the charges/debits will be corrected before billing and the brief glee felt by these miscreants will be wiped from their faces.

It takes all kinds ...

Friday, December 7, 2007

Did FDR Sacrifice Pearl Harbor?

FDR Pearl Harbor Conspiracy

While bordering on revisionist history, did this Democrat President sacrifice the 2350 lives at Pearl Harbor to further an agenda? How would this act of war be reported in today's media?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Don't Ask ... A Contradiction Of Terms

A former Navy chaplian pleaded guilty today to charges that include forcible sodomy, aggravated assault and conduct unbecoming an officer.


Homosexuals in the military ... betrayal of the premise? This chaplain is an example of what can happen when agendas are pursued. Can one expect those choosing an "alternative lifestyle" to not to practice it?


Billy Joel: What's He Tryin' To Say?

"Christmas In Fallujah"
Words & Music By Billy Joel
Preformed By Cass Dillon

It's Evening In the Desert
I'm Tired and I'm cold
But I'm just a solder
I do what I am told

We Came with the Crusaders
to save the holy land
It's Christmas In Fallujah
and no one gives a damn

And I just got your letter
And this is what I read you said

I'm fading from your memory
so I'm just as good as dead

We are the armies of the empire
We are the legionnaires of Rome

It's Christmas In Fallujah
and we ain't never coming home



Seems like Jefferson Pepper beat Billy to the "auntie-war punch?" "Crusaders?" Nice touch, Billy!


\'Christmas in Fallujah\', the debut album from Jefferson Pepper explores the darker side of the American social and political landscape with songs that are both profound and undeniably catchy. Stories are told from the vantage points of, among others, a disillusioned soldier stationed in Iraq (Christmas in Fallujah), ...

Muhammad "Beatdown?"

A religious leader in Saudi Arabia has provided instructions to young Muslims about how to deliver a beating to their wives, saying, 'the beatings must be light and must not make her face ugly. He must beat her where it will not leave marks.'


Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.

Although "islamic wife beating" is hardly "news," this individual's boldness of instruction shows a divide between cultures. Do muslims have an equivalent to the athletic undershirt ... aka "wifebeater?"

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Generation MTV: Antisocial Personality Disorder

Their fraud scheme, estimated at $100,000 this year alone, paid for jaunts to Paris, London and Hawaii and other luxury perks, including Kirsch's stop at a tony salon for $1,700 worth of hair extensions, police said.

The search also turned up a book titled, 'The Art of Cheating: A Nasty Little Book for Tricky Little Schemers and Their Hapless Victims,'as well as a newspaper article on 'How to Spot Fake IDs.'


Isn't it sad that these young adults have made life choices that depict themselves as "identity sociopaths?" Their parents must be asking ... "what went wrong?"

Democrats Find Intelligence Valid?

Iran is not a nuclear threat to the United States of America. Iran should be dealt with directly, with the rest of the world at our side.


Does the Democratic Party, U.S.A. have something in common with A-Jad? Which "intelligence" does the kabal of politicians whose major platform is built around proving a sitting President wrong ... country be damned, cherrypick to further its agenda?

More questions ... no answer!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

NIE: Is President Bush Wrong?

A declassified summary of the latest National Intelligence Estimate found with "high confidence" that the Islamic republic stopped an effort to develop nuclear weapons in the fall of 2003.


Can one believe how the Main Stream Media decides to cherrypick words, phrases, and future imperfect tenses in order to continue the negative aspect of anything the current Administration does in its attempt to make our Nation aware of dangers in the current World situation? The individual who feels secure in the fact that Iran is said to have stopped an effort to develop nuclear weapons may have other problems which need professional help.


Michael Newdow: A Minority

Newdow claims the references to God violate the constitutional ban on government establishment of religion, while school district and federal officials say the words are merely ceremonial and patriotic.


This pathetic individual elects to use the freedoms maintained by those who have defended the United States since its creation and attempt to force his views and opinion on the rest of us? He doesn't speak for anyone, save himself and those he "represents."

If he finds the words offensive, why not go elsewhere! His actions may earn him unintended consequences.