Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Earmark Du Jour
La Raza HOPE Fund for capitalization of a revolving loan fund to be used for nationwide community development activities $1,000,000
Rep. Olver, Rep. Walsh: Rep. Gutierrez,
Sen. Dodd, Sen. Martinez, Sen.
Lieberman, Sen.. Obama, Sen.
Landrieu, Sen. Kerry, Sen: Bingamen,
Sen. Casey, Sen. Menendez, Sen.
Brown, Sen. Clinton, Sen. Boxer, Sen.
The mission of RDF’s Hope Fund is to provide flexible but high-quality loans, along with technical assistance, to entities that provide services and opportunities to low-income Latino families, a mission that is consistent with and complementary to the mission of NCLR.
Hmmm ... La Raza, isn't that one of the leading BROWN POWER organizations whose rhetoric borders on racist dogma? Research it!