, <b>The Fools Among Us: January 2008</b>

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Imus 1/30/2008: John Kerry

Imus offers Massachusetts's Traitor ... airtime.

Imus says "I'd rather be in a foxhole with John Kerry than anybody else ..."

Well, I'd like to view that from the seat of a 'dozer just as it pushed bovine excrement into the void! Nothing personal, Hanoi John ... just go away and DIE!

RFD TV ... "Imus In The Morning" 1/30/2008

What Goes Up?

American spy satellite 'the size of a bus' is out of control and hurtling towards Earth ...

'Appropriate government agencies are monitoring the situation,' said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council, when asked about the situation after it was disclosed by other officials.


Look up! Someone will "pay the price" for a technological failure ... and it could be YOU or I?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Alaska: Another Steven's Rip-Off?

Sen. Ted Stevens, who championed $452 million in federal funding for Alaska's notorious "bridges to nowhere," has directed the Navy to build an experimental ferry it once rejected to serve a little-used port in a remote area of his home state.


While Mr. and Mrs. America struggle with their own transportation "bills," this individual finds "earmarking" projects that have no benefit(s) to the American Taxpayer necessary to maintain his constituency? No KY lubricant made can "ease" this "burn!"

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Golf ... Weak?

Ten days after a Golf Channel anchor was suspended for her use of 'lynch' in commentary on Tiger Woods, an editor was fired yesterday for illustrating the controversy with a noose on the cover of Golfweek magazine.


FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Are anal fissures causing the media to hype "the noose?"

Is "No Noose" ..."Good Noose?"

Disclaimer: Preemptive apologies to those easily offended.

Civil Rights: 'On American Soil'

Townsell was one of 43 black soldiers court-martialed after an Italian prisoner was found lynched following a night of rioting at Fort Lawton in Seattle in 1944. The military court found 28 soldiers guilty of rioting over alleged resentment of Italian prisoners' living conditions on the post.


Amazon Online Reader

While the "infamous" American Mainstream Media offered Abu Ghraib in order to malign our Military, has anyone read of this obscene chapter in our Nation's history?

2008 Politics: The Voter's Peril ...

The mischaracterization of who said what ... and when pervades the political arena 2008, yet again? The old saw of "How can you tell a politician is lying? When their lips are moving ..." takes on a whole new galaxy of import with the 24/7 news cycle, IMO. The phrase "Politics makes strange bedfellows" also proves that their may be "nothing new under the sun?"

Those of us who supplement our television channel choices with either cable or satellite offerings find that info-glut is alive and well, with back channel politics displayed ad nauseum by well known media presenters, pundits of every stripe and individuals who seem to lack any other credentials, save a current a pay stub.

Separating fact from fiction is becoming the focal point of any registered voter's search for political savvy and decision making resources. I am certain that this is not a recent concept, but it has reached a level that staggers this old curmudgeon's mind ... considering what "mind" I have left!

Good fortune America ... may the choices "we" make be valid and correct for our journey into this "brave new world."

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Nelnet: What's In Your Wallet?

... a company called Nelnet has successfully bilked the Department of Education out of $278 million taxpayer dollars by exploiting a loophole in the payment laws and billing the government for student loans at a rate much more than they agreed to take. Once this was discovered the Department of Education immediately told Nelnet that it can keep its ill-gotten gains if it promises not to do it any more. If you add in other lenders, the estimate of the money literally stolen out of our pockets raises another $330 million.


Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.

While not a "surprise," this is one more reprehensible act that needs to be addressed by those whom we have elected to represent our interests and PROTECT us within our Government! Can the American Taxpayer accept less?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Saudi Arabia: No EXTRA Oil For You!

... the Saudi oil minister said the kingdom, responsible for almost one-third of the cartel's total output, would raise oil production when the market justified it.


Since these refugees of the dunes managed to be set free by petro-dollars, given the United States ... 9-11 and have never fought in a military action, successfully; why is this a surprise? KMA ... sand ni**er!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Kelly Tilghman: An Imus Moment?

As others before her have done, Tilghman attempts at humor came off the wrong way when she said that those young PGA players, who will be competing with Tiger Woods this year, should go 'lynch Woods in a back alley.'


While one may have to judge for themselves as to this sports presenter's intent in her spontaneous(?) comment, does our Nation's climate now shown with the "Imus firestorm" need additional liberal outrage? Where is Al Sharpton's ire in this matter?

Monday, January 7, 2008


Ralph Baze and Thomas K. Bowling brought a civil suit against the State of Kentucky in Franklin Circuit Court, claiming that the lethal injection procedure that the state uses creates an unnecessary risk of pain and suffering and is thus in violation of the Eighth Amendment.


This POS finds his choice of lethal injection may or may not cause him pain within the throes of death? When this dreg upon society chose to murder two law enforcement officers by gun shot, did he "feel" the pain he inflicted prior to their death? Waste this waste of human protoplasm and send the lawyers back to their position on the "ambulance chase" list!

Madison, WI: Fog Blanket ... Deadly!

Around 2:30 p.m.,
cars began breaking when they hit a wall of fog near Interstate 90's intersection with U.S. Highway 12/18, Wisconsin State Patrol Lt. Laurie Steeber said. A semi-truck came up behind them and began plowing into vehicles, she said. One person was killed.

Erik Kispert estimated he was going between 65 and 75 mph when he saw brake lights ahead in the fog.


Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.

Having been a professional driver taking railroad crews to their assignments, I have to stress that failure to obey speed limits, failure to drive with respect for "fellow drivers" and failure to adjust for any predicted weather forecasts allows individuals to abuse their driving privilege. In this case, lives were lost!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

'Texan Of The Year' - Illegal Invader?

He breaks the law by his very presence. He hustles to do hard work many Americans won't, at least not at the low wages he accepts. The American consumer economy depends on him. America as we have known it for generations may not survive him.


Since when is an ILLEGAL INVADER a "Texan?"

Friday, January 4, 2008

How Times Have Changed!

Richard Arens: Oil Price Manipulator

A lone trader out to win a little fame made the purchase that took oil prices to the historic 100 dollars a barrel level this week but he lost 600 dollars on the deal, analysts said.


Isn't it just GRAND that a "lone trader" wanting to be the first to purchase OIL at $100 a barrel only "lost" $600 on his deal? How much did the petroleum buying public LOOSE because of his folly? I'd like to talk to this JACKASS!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

FBI: Dan Cooper

'No experienced parachutist would have jumped in the pitch-black night, in the rain, with a 200-mile-an-hour wind in his face, wearing loafers and a trench coat.

It was simply too risky. He also missed that his reserve chute was only for training and had been sewn shut—something a skilled skydiver would have checked.'


Besides committing the obvious crime, ole' Dan Cooper ... erroneously labeled "D. B. Cooper," seems to have committed suicide in his attempt at hijacking?

Although the $200k, minus the $5.8k found in 1980, has probably been recycled a few times by Ma Nature and her critters; anyone living near the Columbia River in the area where this historical crime transpired could have an interesting Spring/Summer with an influx of "Indy Jones" types looking to "break the case."

Travel: Again, TB Or Not TB?

'She certainly knew she had TB,' said Dr. Marty Fenstersheib, the public health officer for Santa Clara County, Calif. 'She had symptoms [coughing and fever] when she was on the plane. Was she advised not to travel? I don't know.'


Another "World traveler" who fails to be responsible about an infectious disease ... or someone who feels removed from such pedestrian conventions? Traveling "at one's own risk" is making a comeback ...

I'll refrain from stating that perhaps "stoning" should be revisted for "crimes against person!" Gad!

Parental Shame: Falsification 101

An essay that won a 6-year-old girl four tickets to a Hannah Montana concert began with the powerful line: 'My daddy died this year in Iraq.'

'We did the essay and that's what we did to win,' Priscilla Ceballos, the mother, said in an interview with Dallas TV station KDFW. 'We did whatever we could do to win.'


Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.

The "mother" obviously hasn't assimilated into the U.S. Culture, circa 2007 ... or maybe she has? The use of a "false death" in Iraq or anywhere of a fictitious service member by a parent "helping" her SIX YEAR OLD DAUGHTER is beyond the pale.

Since the MSM has "the facts," I pity the child ... the "mother" is on her own!