, <b>The Fools Among Us: Obama Being President Hummiliates (sic) Us As Muslims</b>

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Being President Hummiliates (sic) Us As Muslims

I have been following the elections recently. I have to say, even though Obama won't work for any Muslim interests per say. I have been charmed by the guy's elegance, his amazing way of communication and I have also love how he is in the posistion he is now while coming from a background that is black and Muslim. On his journey for the quest of presidency, he has travelled so far and has had many great battles with the clinton machine, fellow african-american leaders etc

It kind of hummiliates me as a Muslim in a way. Many Muslim countries wouldn't even care if their fellow Muslim was on the floor dieing merely because he is of a different race. And here we have USA- invading two Muslim countries and yet the next president will be someone who had a Muslim dad!


How deep are these feelings?