, <b>The Fools Among Us: Driver's Licenses For ILLEGAL INVADERS?</b>

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Driver's Licenses For ILLEGAL INVADERS?

There are no perfect answers to the problem that emerges from the fact that there are a million people here illegally. This is an effort to solve the very real problems we are presented with as best we can at the state level.


Name one other nation on this planet that allows thousands of ILLEGAL INVADERS to remain within their boundaries; let alone the issuance of identification devices, access to public services and "sanctuary" within some of its largest cities?

I find it interesting that Mexico, while allowing its border with the United States to be porous to individuals moving North, its border(s) with its "neighbors" to the South allow ...

Aliens, their embassies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), international agencies, and Mexico’s migrant-protection Beta Groups find that most abuses suffered by immigrants entering Mexico take place along its 600-mile border with Guatemala, with far fewer crimes committed on the frontier between Quintana Roo and Belize.


The World is currently being threatened by radicals, individuals who have fostered the obscene use of religion to promote hatred and destruction for a variety of 12th Century belief systems. Can a nation's borders be left "open" to this danger?