Friday, November 30, 2007
Islamo-Zombies: Death To Teacher
With "religious" leaders fanning the flames of a fire brainwashed into a class of ignorant individuals, how can sanity be instilled into a volatile region of the World? A sad commentary on a noble people ... awash in cultural ignorance supported by islam's obviously flawed belief systems.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Philip Pullman: Atheist In Our Midst
Statements from this individual give credence to the worries of parents who are actually trying to "parent" their children. While Hollywood and its worldwide influence has only one agenda, profit; this "Pied Piper of Atheism" is exploiting the throngs who seek refuge within his books ... and now, movie.
"Heaven forbid" this writer would state his books are about killing allah?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
High School Cancels Stage Play
"Ten Little Indians," which was originally published in 1939 in England under the name "Ten Little Niggers," is inappropriate for a school production, said Gary Hines, a branch president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in southwest Ohio.
The outright gall of Gary Hines to extrapolate a pseudo affront from a thrice named novel written in 1939 by a British author within that time frame's culture goes to show how morally bankrupt some individuals have become.
What is his "agenda?" How does this aid our youth in finding truth in education?
... Psst! It can be found with a modicum of research.
Santa Claus Hates You?
Bill Clinton: Waffles Anyone?
During a campaign swing for his wife, former President Bill Clinton said flatly yesterday that he opposed the war in Iraq “from the beginning” — a statement that is more absolute than his comments before the invasion in March 2003.
While every citizen of the United States has the ability to state almost any opinion without reprisal, this former President seems to have latent reservations after the fact? This form of "Clintonian" waffle continues the inconsistency of the "Clinton Dynamic" ... saying whatever he or Hillary believes the electorate of the United States desires to hear.
Who's tired of this not-so-unique political form of rhetorical farce ... raise your hands?
Sidebar: When John "Johnny Four Months" Kerry practiced this ploy, his flipping led to his flop.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Disabled Veterans Jeered At Swimming Pool
The men, injured during tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, were taking part in a rehabilitation session at a leisure centre, when two women demanded they be removed from the pool. They claimed that the soldiers "hadn't paid" and might scare the children.
The foulness of this act is beyond belief! I just hope that these "individuals" find the backbone to realize their error in these actions. Typing that I wish the very worst of life, along with expletives and judgements to be offered these maggots would not solve this disgusting situation. Name and Shame is the best suggestion I can support!!!
A Blog to visit!
Monday, November 26, 2007
How Can You Call A Bear Muhammad?
Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.
What will these narrow minded zombies meet out as punishment for the 7-year-old pupils who actually named the teddy bear? Pathetic adults, brain-washed by a religion whose tenants were formed by an individual on a mushroom trip ... or ... ?
How can the civilized World call islam a religion? So many questions ... so little minds ... I guess they should have named the bear, Jesus.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Behave As If On A Mission Behind Enemy Lines ...
Our "friends" in Saudi Arabia show two faces to the World. Without the abundant petroleum resources and markets manipulating our economy, their influence would not exist. Are we becoming our own worst enemy?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
French Kiss?
This bodes ... how within United States politics? Kiss of death is more like it? The wife of "No To Iraq, Chirac" needs to contain her backing to her husband's legal woes, IMO.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
China: U.S.S. Kitty Hawk ... Shore Leave Shanghaied?
China has refused permission for a U.S. aircraft carrier and accompanying vessels to visit Hong Kong for a long-planned Thanksgiving holiday visit, the U.S. State Department said on Wednesday.
Say it again, why are we allowing China to be part of our economic infrastructure while they are an enemy in every sense of the word?
UPDATE: China reversed a decision on Thursday to block a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group from visiting Hong Kong, but the change of heart by Beijing officials came too late to stop the U.S. naval flotilla from returning to its forward base in Japan.
As the article states, the flotilla is not planning to turn around ... No thanks to the Chinese Fire Drill?
Naomi Wolf: A Dangerous Loon!
Forget Kucinich ... This woman, in her effort to extract money from any fool willing to fork over cash or credit card to purchase her thoughts and opinion on the Bush Administration's Machiavellian attempt to create a dictatorship within the United States, has forsaken logic and fact for insanity! Whoa! Does she toke wit' Obama?
Oooh, Baby, Baby?
Six California high-school cheerleaders who flashed their bloomers during a halftime performance were suspended last week.
Is there any wonder why children "act out" in a socially inappropriate manner, let alone pre-teens raping their playmate in the state of Georgia?
Scott McClellan: Anything To Sell A Book?
The most powerful leader in the world had called upon me to speak on his behalf and help restore credibility he lost amid the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, McClellan said. So I stood at the White House briefing room podium in front of the glare of the klieg lights for the better part of two weeks and publicly exonerated two of the senior-most aides in the White House: Karl Rove and Scooter Libby.
Believing this individual after the Valarie Plame fiasco's dust had all but settled seems a stretch and "timing is everything," right? With all the books being written on all things political in this new century, who takes time to read them in mainstream America? Who's budget allows, save the public library?
Was McClellan just a dupe or was he patently stupid?
So many questions ... so many poorly researched opinions!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Man, He Was Wasted A Lot Of The Time?
The "Entitled Generation" seems a tad "open" at times? Will this openness follow Obama into 2008 ... and beyond?
A Two-fer?
Sesame Street Dangers?
These early Sesame Street episodes are intended for grown-ups, and may not suit the needs of today's pre-school child.
In the present World, children are presented far worse entertainment in the form of "politically correct" mind numbing cartoons, video games, and television commericials showing women in what was once called "underwear." What on Earth can these shows add to this toxic mix?
Heather Mills: Poses A Question?
Why do we not drink rats' milk, cats' milk or dogs' milk?
What ever happened to soy milk as an alternative?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Listen Up!
While I find little in the current political season funny, save for Clinton's choice of pant suit ... Hil not Bill, Dennis Kucinich ... still the anti-Howdy Doody, Obama's jukin' with a lesbian talk show host, or John Kerry ... YES! I find John Kerry still funny in an odd, Massachusetts' way; Mike Huckabee's "Chuck" ad adds a smile to this curmudgeon's face.
Mexico may be advised to be afraid ... very afraid?
Chuck Norris Facts
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Gumball 3000 - Team Polizei
While not wanting to spend time derogating this "Entitlement Generation" law breaker, turning the Interstate System into a pseudo-autobahn, placing other drivers at risk and self admitted "defying police" needs to be addressed! Suspending this driver's license seems to me to be the minimum action to be taken. All the high technology, scanners, jammers, uplinks, etc. can't remove the fact that this "extreme sport" was and is illegal.
Having been nearly run off I-10E, west of Las Cruces, New Mexico in early 2003 by "Gumball 3000" scofflaws, I have some knowledge of this illegal activity. Needless to say, I did "drop the dime" on these auto-sociopaths.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
A Place For Fiends?
In the "new millennium," the search for reality, self-worth, and social interaction has been deferred to the Internet by those teenagers with access. Modern parents either have no clue or lack the skills to raise their children properly within the two income home?
This tragic story is not new to the "Myspace" subscriber base and will probably continue as long as parents abdicate their control of precious children to the electronic frontier, Hollywood and the bizarre collection of entertainers who seek attention and pseudo-fame.
The link below shows more "Myspace" anomolies:
UGN Safenet
Friday, November 16, 2007
While funny, to me; why are individuals among us applying the Geneva Conventions to terrorists ... you know, the un-uniformed, stateless, zombies that want to destroy the Western World?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Mexican Fire Drill?
President Felipe Calderon decried Wednesday what he called 'the growing harassment' of Mexicans in the United States and said his government will work to counter it by funding a media campaign to show migrant success stories.
A president of another nation calls enforcement of United State's law a "growing harassment?" Can a citizen of the United States enter Mexico illegally and apply for a driver's license without harassment; let alone live in Mexico and send pesos home to one's family?
Cambridge MA: An Abomination!
During last week’s elections, a troop of Boy Scouts set up donation boxes at polling places to raise money for the troops in Iraq. In typical Cambridge fashion, the city removed the boxes and the Boy Scouts because they may have had a “pro-war” bent.
Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.
The State that has given the United States the likes of John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and so many other liberals who strive to be "politically correct," now allows us to be amazed (?) yet, again? A woman complains ... a "minority rules" again!
You've Got To Be Kidding!
Santas-in-training in Australia have been warned by a recruitment firm that "ho-ho-ho" is no longer politically correct.
The Daily Telegraph reports that Westaff - which supplies hundreds of Santas across Australia - is telling trainees that the signature catchphrase could frighten children and be derogatory to women.
Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.
The phrase "politically correct" is the bane of civilization. Who's offended? ... Raise your hands ...
Pathetic: KNUV 1190 AM
The American Civil Liberties Union said the the suspect's description is not racial profiling. It said if police used race as the sole factor in describing the suspect, that could be racial profiling.
Disclaimer: Emboldenment, colorization ... mine.
The individual who is perpetrating the rapes was described by victims as "Hispanic." Does the TRUTH hurt?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Diplomatic Cowards ...
'It's one thing if someone believes in what's going on over there and volunteers, but it's another thing to send someone over there on a forced assignment,' Croddy said. 'I'm sorry, but basically that's a potential death sentence and you know it. ... Who will raise our children if we are dead or seriously wounded?'
Several hundred U.S. diplomats vented anger and frustration Wednesday about the State Department's decision to force foreign service officers to take jobs in Iraq, with some likening it to a "potential death sentence."
If one can't stand the heat, they would be better served finding an new "profession?" The United States would be better served, as well! Perhaps there are openings in far less dangerous areas for those who wish to be paid for services not rendered ...
Westboro Baptist Clan - Hate In The Heartland!
Westboro Baptist Church, a fundamentalist Christian group based in Topeka, Kan., has protested military funerals across the country with placards bearing shock-value messages such as 'Thank God for dead soldiers.'
The jury verdict awarding monetary damages to the father of a Marine killed in Iraq may be just a "paper" verdict with the compensation doubtful, at least the verdict brings to light, again, the despicable actions of this clan upon our military and its families. Freedom of speech does contain consequences ... Labeling these wackos, "fundamentalist Christians" is an affront to Christians, everywhere.