Extreme sports fan Alex Roy said Friday he had smashed the record for the fastest 'Cannonball run' across the United States, defying police and speed traps.
SourceWhile not wanting to spend time derogating this "Entitlement Generation" law breaker, turning the Interstate System into a pseudo-autobahn, placing other drivers at risk and self admitted "defying police" needs to be addressed! Suspending this driver's license seems to me to be the minimum action to be taken. All the high technology, scanners, jammers, uplinks, etc. can't remove the fact that this "extreme sport" was and is illegal.
Having been nearly run off I-10E, west of Las Cruces, New Mexico in early 2003 by "Gumball 3000" scofflaws, I have some knowledge of this illegal activity. Needless to say, I did "drop the dime" on these auto-sociopaths.