Sunday, April 27, 2008
Destroy Iran's Nukes To Save Our Cities

Friday, April 25, 2008
Penis Theft Panic: The Story That Will Not 'Shrink' From The Headlines?

Police in Congo have arrested 13 suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men's penises after a wave of panic and attempted lynchings triggered by the alleged witchcraft.
While not surprising from an African Culture standpoint, it does make a male wince when the subject matter is taken in a humorous vein?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Barack Obama: Obama's Favorite Terrorists

It's not as though Ayers and Dohrn have denied or repudiated their crimes. After emerging from years in hiding, they escaped federal prosecution because of government misconduct in gathering evidence, but they don't pretend they were innocent. In 2001, Ayers said, 'I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough.'
Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.
If one may be "judged" by the company one keeps, perhaps this association is worth understanding and review? I, for one, feel that this is just another instance of citizen Obama to meld with individuals with whom he believed would or could assist him in his projected political life.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Barack Obama: A Black Marx Against Him?

If any one's BITTER, it just may be the BLACK man choosing to open his mouth before a group of West Coast Liberals with deep pockets and a proven disdain of all things mainstream in the United States.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Obama For Dummies: For The Rest Of Us

Use the included Elitist and Condescending Generators to formulate your own Obamaesque speeches, quickly and without programming or séances.
Learn when and how to apologize ... and to whom.
Learn how and when to play the "race card" while making it seem that it's your opponent's ploy.
Learn how to effect and affect change.
Written and illustrated by I. B. Bitter
The Great Condescender: Foot In Mouth, Yet ... Again?

'And,' he concluded, 'it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.'
Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.
Oh, yes, he's "The Great Condescender" ... condescending himself right to Hell
His need is such; He condescends too much
He's a phoney, but no one can tell!
Does Senator Obama actually think that "talking down" to the electorate of Pennsylvania will ingratiate him with them and garner their vote? The pompous ass, who some might term "elitist," seems to be on a "negative" roll.
Disclaimer II: Apologies to The Platters and Buck Ram.
Friday, April 11, 2008
U. S. Navy: Officer Goes 'Balls To The Wall'?

What can one say? Naval personnel have varied "hobbies?"
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Doin' The Bobbitt: Philippine Woman Cuts Off Husband’s Penis
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Phil Donahue: Espouses Anti-war And Defeatist Agenda

... and his opinion merits more consideration than yours or mine?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Barack Obama: 'He Knows' ... What, Exactly?

Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.
Judging from Obama's stuttering, bumbling dialogue, at times; I personally believe that Senator Obama couldn't pour piss outta' a boot if the directions were on the heel!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Hillary Clinton: Just One More Lie?

Whoops! A candidate continues to repeat a non-vetted narrative that turns into a tarradiddle while trying to glean support from the ignorant masses? Say it ain't so ...
Barack Obama: 'Punishing With A Baby?'

Bill Burton, his national spokesman:
'What Senator Obama said and what he believes is clear -- children are 'miracles,' but we have a problem when so many children are having children. As Senator Obama said on Saturday -- and on many other occasions -- parents have a responsibility to teach their children about values and morals to help make sure they are not treating sex casually. And while he understands the passions on both sides of this difficult issue, Senator Obama believes we can all agree that we should be taking steps to reduce the number of teen pregnancies and abortions in this country.'
Senator Obama has a strange set of priorities ... Just what is his answer for a "baby" created by a "mistake?" Isn't it "interesting" that candidates have "national spokespersons" (PC) to ALWAYS 'splain what the pathetic bastards really mean? I truly hope that a "signer" was on duty for the deaf!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Jimmy Carter: Who Cares?
Randi Rhodes: Words Of Love?

Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.
While not the most shocking diatribe offered by a liberal, the lack of respect for two members of her own gender is interesting. Being testicularly challenged may be part of the reason this "entertainer's" babble emits the odor of pseudo-testosterone? Is that a sock in her panties?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Martin Luther King, Jr.: 40 Years Gone ...

While as "human" as the next man or woman, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a true uniter and abhorred division between all races in the United States. The loss to our national fabric is only now being shown with the abominable rhetoric being injected into the current Presidential campaign by surrogates that lack any form of credibility, gravitas or conscience.
Those of you who wish to find any TRUTH to purported facts, innuendo or rumors concerning Martin Luther King, Jr. may do so at their own discretion and with their own resources. No one has ever been found perfect since the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, IMHO.
China: The Spies Among Us?

... and, again, why is the economy of the United States intertwined with China, a freakin' enemy?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Temporary Ban On Castration In Thailand

Natee, head of the Gay Political Group of Thailand, said he received several complaints from parents of underage boys seeking castrations in part because of Internet advertisements that promise cheap operations resulting in feminine qualities such as softer skin.
Snip ...
UN: Thou Art Unworthy To Be Called By The Name Of A Human
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
'Big Oil' talks ...

Joe/Jane Driver and Tom/Teresa Trucker must really enjoy the sad plight of these individuals while "they" offer rhetoric instead of solutions ... all the while the average "American" is having the "life" siphoned out of their collective dreams.
Barack Obama: The 'Kid' And 'The Old Man?'

'We can't afford to stay in Iraq like John McCain said, for another 100 years.'

Obama, lacking any military service within his limited life experience opts to attack McCain by parsing words and faulty rhetoric? Maybe he should just "stick" to bowling ...