FOOL, n. A person who pervades the domain of intellectual speculation and diffuses himself through the channels of moral activity. He is omnific, omniform, omnipercipient, omniscience, omnipotent....
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Destroy Iran's Nukes To Save Our Cities
One of the most terrifying possibilities the world faces is that al-Qa'eda, or some other Islamist group, gets hold of a nuclear bomb. Islamist terrorists are certainly trying to obtain one: Osama bin Laden has issued a document entitled 'The Nuclear Bomb of Islam', which insists it is 'the duty' of Muslims to acquire a nuclear bomb in order to use 'as much force as possible to terrorise the enemies of God'.
I'm a Boomer who is way tired of the bovine excrement that masks itself as media reports and journalism!
I am a Vietnam-Era Veteran along with my wife; who is also a Vietnam-Era Veteran, that believes in our Nation, Culture and Flag.
I've had some life experience, been a few places, done a few things. I defended my Country, rising to the rank of Staff Sergeant (E-5) in the United States Air Force (1966 - 1970). I enjoy life as much as one may and hope that my readers can do the same.
My best friend is my Wife.