, <b>The Fools Among Us: Jesse Jackson: Another View ...</b>

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jesse Jackson: Another View ...

Either way, the days of Jesse Jackson, spokesman for all black people, are coming to an end. The media is wising up. Jackson's own hypocrisies, from the illegitimate child to the "Hymietown" controversy, are stacking too high. And if, come next year, we have an African-American president representing all of us, hopefully we'll see the silliness of running to one self-anointed individual to represent a group of us.


While never having had to deal with Jesse Jackson's mantras directly, I can applaud Mr. Albom's insight into this aberration within the perceived Black Culture in the United States. One needs to be aware of those who try to speak for others, yet obviously have their own agendas.

I personally feel that the only thing Jesse Jackson is "sorry for" is that he "got caught." As others have stated, his relevance is no more.