Sunday, August 31, 2008
Hurricane Gustav: Bend Over!
Turn on your TV, select any news resource ... interspersed between presentations of ACTUAL facts and events will be talking heads and "resident experts" speculating on how far into the stratosphere gasoline prices will rise due to Hurricane Gustav. The glee with which these presenters address their attempts at reporting is once again, beyond the pale.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Obama Cheapshots: More "Guns And Bibles?"
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Arab Traditions: Marry One's Cousin ... Hide The Children?
A Palestinian couple locked their disabled kids in two urine-stained rooms for forty years because they were afraid the children would ruin the marriage prospects of a healthy child, police has revealed.
The spotlight of the World can show the ugliness of any culture in this 24/7/YouTube newscycle ...
Barack Hussein Obama: Illegitimate and Just Bi-Racial?
Is Obama just using his "skin color" as a political device? Is the "Birth Certificate Mystery" valid? Have the important facets and facts been sidetracked by "typical politics as usual?" What do "we" really know about this Democratic Party U.S.A. answer to John McCain, save what their political machine allows to be offered?
Again, so many questions ...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Typical American Family?
It was the image the Obama campaign wanted millions of Americans to remember – the regular father, comfortable with white working class people in the heartland, blowing kisses to his adoring family
... and "they" talk about McCain not knowing "where he's at?" I'm sure the Obama's feel just like the rest of us ... at least on camera!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
RECREATE'68: Aging Hippies Last Hurrah?
Join us in the streets of Denver as we resist a two-party system that allows imperialism and racism to continue unrestrained.
With Ward "Little Eichmanns" Churchill and Cindy "End the War Now" Sheehan, who can help to pass up such entertainment? All one needs is John "Johnny Four Months©" Kerry to complete the farce! All you "one vote" radicals who live a "normal" life, work for a living and take pride in Country, family and honor ... RAISE YOUR HANDS!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tropical Storm Fay: A Unique Path
Obama - Biden: The Other Havaiana Drops?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Howard Dean: Playing Gender And Race?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Powell Or Rice For Obama: Racial Allegiance?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
China: A Milli Vanilli Moment?
So in a last-minute move demanded by one of China's highest officials, the two were put together for the Olympic opening ceremony, with one lip-synching "Ode to the Motherland" over the other's singing.
The real singer, 7-year-old Yang Peiyi, with her chubby face and crooked baby teeth, wasn't good looking enough for the ceremony, its chief music director told state-owned Beijing Radio.
While ancient cultures usually share a bounty of unique perspectives into the values given to their respect of the individual ... it's interesting to note this exception. China is now striving to be be as PHONEY as the Western decadence it usually reviles?
Monday, August 11, 2008
U. S. Government: $51M Conned-Air?
... and walking these INVADERS to the Southern Border and putting a BOOT to their sorry arses as they meander across is not an option?
Friday, August 8, 2008
iPhone Application: Money For Nothing?
A mean spirited person might state that “It’s a work of art with no hidden function at all” could apply to a description of Barack Hussein Obama? ... Just sayin'
Monday, August 4, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama: Energy Schemes ... Energy Dreams?
Obama: On Global Warming ...
Now, it is a fact that is melting our glaciers and setting off dangerous weather patterns as we speak.
Obama: On Strategic Petroleum Reserve Sell-Off ...
I do not believe that we should use the strategic oil reserves at this point, Obama said July 7. I have said and, in fact, supported a congressional resolution that said that we should suspend putting more oil into the strategic oil reserve, but the strategic oil reserve, I think, has to be reserved for a genuine emergency. You have a situation, let's say, where there was a major oil facility in Saudi Arabia that was destroyed as a consequence of terrorist acts, and you suddenly had huge amounts of oil taken out of the world market, we wouldn't just be seeing $4-a-gallon oil. We could see a situation where entire sectors of the country had no oil to function at all. And that's what the strategic oil reserve has to be for. (July 7, 2008)
We should sell 70 million barrels of oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve for less expensive crude, which in the past has lowered gas prices within two weeks. (August 4, 2008)
If visiting Obama's website won't cause one pain or soil one's keyboard, do go and read the text at its source.
While his speech was in part directed to Michigan Voters, what about the rest of the 57 States? 150 MPG "Plug-in" Hybrid ... Hey, I'm all for it! My problem is that this speech was so political and full of the same bovine excrement that politicians have used since the beginning ... listening to it hurts my head.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Nancy Pelosi: Are We There, Yet?
November 14, 2006
The vast CHANGES promised by the Democrats in 2006 certainly haven't come to fruition! Speaking well, promising everything and delivering nothing doesn't CHANGE anything.
Obama: "High" Opinion?
While typically political in its structure and message, this McCain advertisement of an "Obama Flaw" does make one think ... given the Democrat's predilection to wax narcissistic?