FOOL, n. A person who pervades the domain of intellectual speculation and diffuses himself through the channels of moral activity. He is omnific, omniform, omnipercipient, omniscience, omnipotent....
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tropical Storm Fay: A Unique Path
Tropical Storm Fay continues its trek over the Florida Panhandle, and it now centered over land just north of Apalachicola, after making its record 4th landfall on the state this morning. Radar and satellite loops show no major changes to Fay. The storm still has a large circulation with plenty of rain bands sprawling over much of northern Florida and southern Georgia. The center of Fay should emerge over the Gulf of Mexico just west of Panama City this afternoon, and we can expect a modest increase in strength as it feeds off the warm Gulf waters. Yesterday, Fay intensified from 45 mph to 50 mph when its center emerged over the water for 12 or so hours, and I expect a 5-15 mph increase in the winds by Sunday evening, before the center moves back over land again.
I'm a Boomer who is way tired of the bovine excrement that masks itself as media reports and journalism!
I am a Vietnam-Era Veteran along with my wife; who is also a Vietnam-Era Veteran, that believes in our Nation, Culture and Flag.
I've had some life experience, been a few places, done a few things. I defended my Country, rising to the rank of Staff Sergeant (E-5) in the United States Air Force (1966 - 1970). I enjoy life as much as one may and hope that my readers can do the same.
My best friend is my Wife.