A political activist group is sending letters and DVDs to U.S. soldiers stationed in Iraq
telling them 9/11 was an inside job
San Diego, CA – A group of over three thousand political activists are planning to send letters to soldiers stationed in Iraq telling them that America is largely to blame for the 9/11 attacks.
“We support the troops in their efforts to protect the Iraqi people, but want them to know the real reason they have put themselves in harms way,” explains Mark Dice, founder of The Resistance, a Christian media watch dog group based in San Diego.

I lived in America for a long time. Only 10% of all Americans have a passport. In other words, 90% never left America. They may have gone to Mexico or Canada, because they don't need a visa or a passport to go there. 90% of them don't know... You show them an unmarked map of Europe, and ask them where France is, and they don't know. Ask them where Italy is... Okay, Italy they know because it looks like a shoe. They don't know anything. They are ignorant.
One must love the ability of individuals to expound upon any topic that allows them to present themselves as an expert ... while showing others that there is no age or geographical limitation to bigotry or insanity?