, <b>The Fools Among Us: September 2008</b>

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The More Things Change ...

Madisonians can't stop talking about how much they love their beautiful lakes, endless acres of leafy trees and their vibrant cultural scene. But they gripe about pollution that threatens those lakes, the housing crisis, and pesky mosquitoes.

Madison in 2008? Try Madison in 1948.


"The Good Ole' Days" had their own problems, but they weren't driven down "our" collective throats by a 24/7 newscycle. Trade-offs can be a BITCH?

Jose Cruz: Talking Out His Arse?

During fingerprinting, Cruz then allegedly moved closer to one of the officers and passed gas, the station reported. In the complaint, the investigating officer wrote that police noticed a "very strong" odor.


UPDATE: The Kanawha County prosecutor's office requested that the charge be dropped against 34-year-old Jose Cruz.


One more abuse with which law enforcement officers deal?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Joe Biden: Revises History To Make A Point?

When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened,”‘ Barack Obama’s running mate recently told the “CBS Evening News.”


Is it any wonder that a majority of people might believe politicians will say anything?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Joe "Patriotic" Biden: Used Car Dealer?

Looks like Joe Biden, Obama's political significant other, is still digging holes with his ample mouth? That smile is disturbing ... Class warfare is rearing its UGLY head?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Iowa: PETA Pig Abuse Video

---> A Really Disturbing Video taken by undercover PETA animal activists.<---

While one may have varied opinions about PETA and other activist organizations, the scenes shown on this webpage are pure animal abuse! I offer the link ... I don't really want to display any of the obscene images.

... And to think some individuals are more worried about "lipstick on pigs" remarks?

Barack Hussein Obama: "Hollywood Hussein?"

Actors Will Farrell, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Lee Curtis and Jodie Foster were spotted in the audience; waiters said that DreamWorks founders Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg also were in the crowd of 250-300 people who paid $28,500 each.

Later, Obama appeared at a $250-a-person fundraiser with singer-actress Barbra Streisand. She ran through bits of songs, but did not sing entire numbers, for about 15 minutes. That crowd included Ron Howard, Sarah Silverman, Magic Johnson and Pierce Brosnan.


$28,500 plus $250 allows only the ELITE to pay homage to the LEFT's "nappy-headed fair haired boy male?" Isn't interesting that the MEDIA, LEFT COAST, and anyone with a keyboard seems to be able to use any group of words to describe Sarah Palin, but the cloak of RACISM protects the Democratic Party, USA's latest offering to the electorate? Double standard or ___________ ? More than PATHETIC!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mickey Mouse ... Should Be Killed?

A former Saudi diplomat-turned cleric, Sheikh Muhammad Munajid, has described Walt Disney cartoon character Mickey Mouse as ‘one of Satan’s soldiers’ who turns everything around it impure.

According to Islamic law, the mouse is a repulsive, corrupting creature. How do you think children view mice today — after Tom and Jerry? Even creatures that are repulsive by nature, by logic, and according to Islamic law have become wonderful and are loved by children. Even mice. Mickey Mouse has become an awesome character, even though according to Islamic law, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases,” ...


Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.

Hollywood Politics: Cornelius Crane “Chevy” Chase Praises Fey, 'Disses Palin

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevy_Chase"I thought it was extraordinary how well she played her and much she looked like her, I'd like her, personally i felt we didn't need the Hillary stuff, I'd like her to go even harder. I want her to decimate this woman.

This woman, I can't believe there hasn't been more about it... It's just unbelievable to me this woman is actually running for vice president."


Former comedian "Chevy" Chase shows why he is still irrelevant. For those who are influenced in the political realm by Hollywood Has-beens, Cornelius allows his personal opinion to echo onto the National scene. His opinion and $.75 might get ya' a Coketm at a Wal-Mart?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

NFL: I've Been Waitin' All Day For Sunday Night!

While some may prefer Faith Hill, Ole' Sarge prefers ... Pink!

SNL: Not Since Vaughn Meader ...

Vaughn Meader

Ain't politics grand!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


While talking heads seem to fixate on "doom and gloom," offering opinions, speculation, and self-fulfilling prophecy, it is the rank and file citizen and their elected local officials that shoulder the brunt of Hurricane Ike. We may laugh at the "Geraldo-esque" presenters placing themselves in harm's way for a variety of reasons; the overall tragedy and destruction reported without spin is quite difficult to find in this 24/7 newscycle World.

My prayers are with the residents of the effected areas, especially those seniors who find themselves scared and alone.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Carol Fowler: Ugly Comment, Butt Ugly?

John McCain had chosen a running mate "whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”


Nice comment from a woman(?) who's outward appearance could make an ONION cry!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Keith Olbermann: Religious Bigot?

"Palin is Elmer Gantry, is Amy Semple McHockeymom, says Keith Olbermann. We are a religious country, but we don't like religious extremism. Having faith is a nice thing to know about someone in office, but if you believe God is directing troop movements in Falluja, Americans will surely ask: 'What the @#$^??' Converting gays to heterosexuals? Being gay may be caused by some things, but not praying enough isn't one of them. It makes people who hate gays feel better about hating them. And she may be a heartbeat away? Are you insane?"


This pathetic Edward R. Murrow wannabee now thinks he is above one's religious beliefs by making light of Sarah Palin's is just one more example of how far some in the so-called media will go to foment bigotry in its agenda(s)? Olbermann is simply a provocateur, an instigator. He is an agenda-driven punk.

I can certainly do without his ego and haughty self-projected image whether he is "attacking" sports or trying to act as if he is some form of tele-journalist presenter. Each viewer will have to make his/her own decision as whether any of Mr. Olbermann's words are worthy of acceptance. I know my answer.

HT to Bob Raissman

Monday, September 8, 2008

UAL : The Dark Side Of The Internet

We have been informed that a 2002 Chicago Tribune news report about United Airlines' financial condition was picked up and circulated on the Internet Monday morning, Chicago-based Tribune said in a statement. The story is not current. We are looking into the situation.


The credence given to an "Internet" report offered by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel is beyond belief. Considering the source may actually make a "comeback?"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Buy American: Why Choose A Toyota Camry?

If I were in the market for a "Camry" sized vehicle, I'd certainly go to a Chevrolet Dealer and "check out" the new Malibu. After viewing an LTZ at an RV Park where we recently stayed, I found it simply, beautiful!


New York Bretts: 56 Yard Bomb!

Second series play action fake, 56 yard pass by New Jets' quarterback Brett Favre puts six points on the board!

Democrats: Poor Flag Etiquette?

An Invesco spokesman told Harsanyi that the majority of the bags with flags in them were near the trash, on a dock, and would have been thrown away. The person told Harsanyi it was probably an oversight by the Democrats rather than any nefarious plot against the flag.


Disclaimer: Colorization, mine.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Geraldo Rivera: Excitement ... There's A Person ... GD

Don Flower: "God's On Democrat's Side?

Hurricane Gustav: New Orleans Gets All The Attention, Yet , Again?

While a city built partially below sea level may indeed need attention by those charged with protecting the infrastructure, it is patently sad that cable news media gives all of its attention to New Orleans, Louisiana while other municipalities all along the "Ghost Coast" suffer the same effects, if not worse. Examples are many, as the storm makes its way inland.