"Palin is Elmer Gantry, is Amy Semple McHockeymom, says Keith Olbermann. We are a religious country, but we don't like religious extremism. Having faith is a nice thing to know about someone in office, but if you believe God is directing troop movements in Falluja, Americans will surely ask: 'What the @#$^??' Converting gays to heterosexuals? Being gay may be caused by some things, but not praying enough isn't one of them. It makes people who hate gays feel better about hating them. And she may be a heartbeat away? Are you insane?"
This pathetic Edward R. Murrow wannabee now thinks he is above one's religious beliefs by making light of Sarah Palin's is just one more example of how far some in the so-called media will go to foment bigotry in its agenda(s)? Olbermann is simply a provocateur, an instigator. He is an agenda-driven punk.
I can certainly do without his ego and haughty self-projected image whether he is "attacking" sports or trying to act as if he is some form of tele-journalist presenter. Each viewer will have to make his/her own decision as whether any of Mr. Olbermann's words are worthy of acceptance. I know my answer.
HT to Bob Raissman