, <b>The Fools Among Us: Barack Hussein Obama: "Hollywood Hussein?"</b>

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama: "Hollywood Hussein?"

Actors Will Farrell, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Lee Curtis and Jodie Foster were spotted in the audience; waiters said that DreamWorks founders Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg also were in the crowd of 250-300 people who paid $28,500 each.

Later, Obama appeared at a $250-a-person fundraiser with singer-actress Barbra Streisand. She ran through bits of songs, but did not sing entire numbers, for about 15 minutes. That crowd included Ron Howard, Sarah Silverman, Magic Johnson and Pierce Brosnan.


$28,500 plus $250 allows only the ELITE to pay homage to the LEFT's "nappy-headed fair haired boy male?" Isn't interesting that the MEDIA, LEFT COAST, and anyone with a keyboard seems to be able to use any group of words to describe Sarah Palin, but the cloak of RACISM protects the Democratic Party, USA's latest offering to the electorate? Double standard or ___________ ? More than PATHETIC!