, <b>The Fools Among Us: April 2009</b>

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama: Enchanted President?

The Nation is failing within several sectors of its core infrastructure and the media wishes to know what has "enchanted" the current President in regard to his office?

Oh Brother!!! ... and let the laughter begin?


The media is not enchanted with Sambo?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama: How Green Is He?

Janet Napolitano: Mouth ... Wide Open!

"And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, most of that is civil, because crossing the border is not a crime per se."


"To the extent that terrorists have come into our country, or suspected or known terrorists have entered our country across a border, it's been across the Canadian border," Napolitano told the CBC.

(Asked if she was referring to the 9/11 attackers,) Napolitano replied: "Not just those, but others as well."



In a statement Tuesday afternoon, Napolitano said: "I know that the Sept. 11th hijackers did not come through Canada to the United States."


Another Obamatron speaks her "mind?"

Obama's Black Hole ...

"We try to use as light a touch as we can, but I'm not going to simply put taxpayer money into a black hole, ..."


Black Holes Renamed 'Super High Gravity Locations'

"We're glad the council finally took action on this issue." said Isaiah Herman, Chairman of the National African-American Coalition of People. "The unimaginable destructive power of these super high gravity locations was giving the word 'black' a negative connotation throughout the universe."


Isaiah Herman


It's truly a shame that the President has to use racist terms to get his point across? Does he not know how insensitive this term is ... or is it only insensitive when used by a non-African American or non-African European?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Economy: Wisconsin Town Has Surplus ... No Government Money Here?

Wisconsin town's surplus tops $21 million

By The Associated Press

Posted: Apr. 14, 2009 11:22 a.m.

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Paris - While many Wisconsin counties and municipalities look for ways to deal with a budget shortfall, one Kenosha County town is swimming in revenue.


Someone has "got it right!"